Sea Cadets

Naval Sea Cadet Corps

Naval Sea Cadet Corps (NSCC) cadet training consists of Navy Non-Resident Training Courses (NRTC), training evolutions away from the local unit, shipboard training and training arranged locally. NRTCs cover basic military and naval subjects such as naval history, seamanship, leadership, and ship/aircraft familiarization.

All new NSCC cadets enter the program at the rate of Recruit. In order for cadets to progress up through the rates, they must complete the following: the NRTC Correspondence Course for that next rate, one training evolution, and depending upon the rate, the Navy's Military Leadership exam for that rate. Time in current rate also applies.

The NSCC cadet rate structure parallels that of the Navy and Coast Guard's enlisted rate structure, with Chief Petty Officer (E7) being the highest rate an NSCC cadet can achieve.

Training evolutions generally take place during summer months but occasionally during winter months and school vacations and are one to two weeks long. The first training evolution for all NSCC cadets is NSCC Recruit Training, better known as “boot camp”.

It is a scaled down version of the US Navy's boot camp and for approximately two weeks cadets are instructed by active and reserve military personnel and Sea Cadet officers in military drill and discipline, physical fitness, seamanship, shipboard safety, first aid, naval history, and leadership.

After cadets have successfully completed boot camp, they can then participate in advanced training. NSCC cadet advanced training currently consists of the following and these trainings give cadets the opportunity to live aboard Navy   Coast Guard Ships or on other Military Bases for Two Weeks. Sea Cadet training is held throughout the continental United States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Guam.

Contact us to see videos of actual US Naval Sea Cadet Corps advanced trainings.

Training Schools


- Air Traffic Control
- Flight School
- Culinary Arts
- Medical (General, Field, Surgical   Dental)
- Firefighting
- Field Operations (Small Squad Tactics)
- Photo Journalism
- Ceremonial Guard
- Submariner
- Marksmanship
- Maritime Interdiction Operations
(Coast Guard)

- Construction (Basic   Advanced)
- Mine Warfare Operations
- Music
- Sea Air Land (SEAL) Team
- Explosive Ordinance Disposal
- Amphibious Operations
- Petty Officer Leadership Academy (POLA)
- Master-At-Arms (Military Police)
- Judge Advocate General (JAG - Law)
- Sailing
- SCUBA Certification
- Urban Counter-Insurgency (U-COIN)

To view a list of currently available training evolutions, click here.

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