American Legion Post 39
20 S. Maple Street
Madison, Maine 04950
Uniform Of The Day
Cadets/Uniformed Instructors
Bring NWUs BDUs - Clean & Pressed Boots Shined
Hair in compliance with Regulations
Non-Uniform Instructors
Neat Civilian Attire Per Regulations
Non-Uniform Military Retirees
Service Branch Work Uniform (Optional)
Special Notes:
We will be supporting the Legion's Memorial Day Services starting with the parade and ending with services at the VFW
Bring your complete set of Dress Whites
PRT at the Madison High School track
27 May with back-up of 28 May
26 May
Drill Schedule
CDO - Major Demchak
18:00 Check In
18:30 Set-up Berthing/Quarterdeck
18:45 Evening Colors
19:00 Study Time
20:30 Showers
21:55 Tattoo
22:00 Light Outs - Silence About
The Compound
28 May
Drill Schedule
CDO - Major Demchak
JOOW - PO1 Baldinelli
06:00 Reveille
06:15 PRT - Bring PT Gear
07:30 Morning Colors
07:45 Chow Prep
08:00 Chow Call
08:45 Chow Clean-Up
09:00 Class - Parade Practice
11:30 Break
11:45 Chow Prep
12:00 Chow
12:45 Chow Clean-up
13:00 Class - Charting
15:00 Class - Communications
16:00 Field Day
16:45 Chow Prep
17:00 Chow
17:45 Chow Clean-up
18:00 Evening Colors
18:05 Pack Sea Bag
19:00 Study Time
20:30 Showers
21:55 Tattoo
22:00 Light Outs - Silence About
The Compound
29 May
Drill Schedule
CDO - Lt Coulombe
JOOW - PO3 Epp
06:00 Reveille
06:15 Morning Colors
06:20 Secure Colors/Close Quarter
06:30 Prep For Chow
06:45 Chow Call
07:30 Chow Clean-up
07:45 Parade Prep
09:00 Depart For Parade
10:00 Parade
11:00 Chow
12:30 Depart For East Madison
13:00 East Madison Service
13:30 Depart For Starks
14:00 Starks Service
14:30 Depart For Madison VFW
15:00 Madison VFW Service
15:15 Depart For Legion
15:30 Close Berthing
15:45 Dismiss The Battalion
27 May
Drill Schedule
CDO - Lt Coulombe
JOOW - P01 Fennell
06:00 Reveille
06:00 PRT - Bring PT Gear
07:30 Morning Colors
07:45 Chow Prep
08:00 Chow Call
08:45 Chow Clean-up
09:00 Mil Drill - Parade Prep
10:30 Break
10:45 Class - SOPs
11:15 Class - Chain Of Command
11:45 Chow Prep
12:00 Chow Call
12:45 Chow Clean-Up
13:00 Class - TBD
14:30 Class - TBD
16:00 Class - TBD
16:45 Chow Prep
17:00 Chow
17:45 Chow Clean-up
18:00 Evening Colors
18:15 Study Time
20:30 Showers
21:55 Tattoo
22:00 Light Outs - Silence About
The Compound