Standing Orders

Arrive prepared to drill in the appropriate full uniform and at the time specified in the POD with your NSCC issued ID card. You must have a full sea bag and be conforming to NSCC uniform and grooming standards.

Military bearing, Military courtesy and respect towards officers, instructors, cadets, volunteers and civilians is expected and required at all times.

Teamwork is expected. Teach your shipmates what they don't know and help improve what they do know.

You are expected to give your best at all times.

Carry a small pocket notebook and pen with you at all times.

Two-way communications is required. Any issues, suggestions or questions are to go through the Chain of Command. They will be met fairly and resolved as quickly as possible. Confidentiality will be respected.

Keep the staff up to date with your parents phone numbers and email address. Information is passed via email, telephone, our Facebook page and our website. Check our website and the POD regularly for updates and new and important information.

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